What is dental Botox®?

dental tmj botox calgary nw

BOTOX® is actually a brand name of only one type of medication that has Botulinum Toxin as an active ingredient. Other brands include “Dysport” and “Xeomin” and all of these brands act in the same way. These medications are sterile, pharmaceutical-grade proteins that target part of the mechanism involved in muscle contraction.

When these medications are administered to a target muscle, the ability of that muscle to contract is reduced. The higher the dose of medication, the greater the reduction in the ability of the muscle to contract and the more relaxed it becomes.

While the medication is eliminated from your body rapidly, the effect will last from several weeks to several months depending on the circumstances. After this time, the effects will completely wear off and the muscle will regain the ability to function as normal.

Dental Botox in Calgary NW is approved by Health Canada and the Alberta Dental Association.

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How does dental Botox work for TMD/bruxism?

After diagnosing that your Bruxism/TMD/Facial pain has a component that is related to the activity of muscles of the face, your Dentist will determine the dose of medication required depending on the severity of the condition.

The medication is administered by an injection into the target muscles from the outside of the face, using very fine sterile, disposable needles. The injection sites are specifically chosen to target the muscles that are contributing to your individual condition. By reducing the ability of these muscles to contract forcefully, there will be a reduction in the tension on the TMJ and surrounding tissues leading to a relief of symptoms, including reduction in teeth grinding.

Dental Botox in Calgary NW offers a reversible and minimally invasive treatment option and can also be used as a diagnostic tool by Dentists when trying to determine the exact nature and origin of your pain.

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At Nosehill Dental, our dentists believe that today's dentistry should be clear, effective, and healthy.

Dr. Rahul Kulshrestha | Nosehill Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Dr. Rahul Kulshrestha
Dr. Sajal Patel | Nosehill Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Dr. Sajal Patel
Dr. Grishma Soor | Nosehill Dental | General & Family Dentist | NW Calgary
Dr. Grishma Soor

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What can I expect after dental Botox treatment?

botox tmj calgary nw

Many patients report that the injections do ”sting” while the medication is being administered, however this only lasts a few seconds. Immediately after treatment, the area may be red, bleed briefly and you may experience a slight tingle or itch for a few minutes before feeling completely normal.

It is very important that you do not rub or manipulate the area of injection for at least 4 hours. Botox will begin to work after a few days and full results may not be felt for up to two weeks after receiving treatment, at which time a further dose may be required depending on results received.

You will notice a softening of facial pain and tension, but you will be able to perform normal jaw and facial movements, with no effect on your ability to eat, talk or smile.

Results will last from several weeks to several months depending on individual circumstances. As the effects of the medication wear off, symptoms may return and re-treatment may be required. In some situations, treatment with Botox does not provide total relief of symptoms. This is usually an indication that there are other contributing factors to the condition and additional therapies may be required.

Are there any potential problems?

Thankfully these medications are shown to be very reliable and safe, yet all medications do have the potential to cause unwanted side effects/complications and you should discuss these with your Dentist. Rest assured your dentist will conduct a thorough review of your health and medical history prior to delivering the treatment to ensure that you are safe to receive this medication and unlikely to encounter any problems.

While problems are rare, the most common issue comes from the injection process rather than the medication and can include redness, swelling, itching, bruising, bleeding and skin infection. The medication may effect a muscle that it was not intended to, or it may cause excessive relaxation of the target muscles.

If this occurs then it is possible that the appearance of your smile, function/movement of your mouth and how you speak/eat may be affected. While exceptionally rare, life threatening allergic reactions and problems with other parts of the body are possible. Some people have also reported a temporary feeling of tiredness or “flu-like symptoms” including a headache after receiving treatment.


Dental Botox Calgary NW

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Calgary NW, Nosehill, Ranchlands, Hawkwood, Arbour Lake, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Dalhousie.

Nosehill Dental Centre

Dentist Calgary NW

1829 Ranchlands Blvd NW, #101, Calgary, AB T3G 2A7

Phone: (403) 241-1900
Fax: (403) 241-8895

Monday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 7:00am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday / Statutory Holidays: Closed

© 2023 Nosehill Dental
The Dentists at Nosehill Dental are General Dentists (unless specified). As general dentists, they provide cosmetic dental procedures such as porcelain veneers, dental crowns, dental braces, and teeth whitening as part of their General Dentistry license. Cosmetic Dentistry & Family Dentistry are not specialties recognized by the Alberta Dental Association & College (ADA&C). As NW Calgary Family Dentists, they provide General Dental procedures for all ages within the family.
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